Extend your high quality standards beyond the factory gate with Confoil packaging made by the industry’s perfectionists.
Comprehensive quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001:2008
Confoil's comprehensive quality management system encompasses all aspects of our administration, manufacturing, distribution and sales activities for consistent product and service quality.
Certification: AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 standard
Certificate: QEC 3132
Certified: 9/12/93 by SAI Global
Clean, HACCP controlled environment
HACCP compliant packaging is essential for food manufacturers working within food safety parameters. Confoils HACCP certification details are:
Certification: Codex HACCP & GMP
Certificate: HCV00278
Certified: 13/11/00 by SAI Global.
Confoil aluminium foil containers and Dualpak paperboard trays can be recycled.
We have launched several recycling campaigns in partnership with users to close the loop and reclaim as many materials as possible.
Every year, Confoil formally revisits plans for continuous improvement in its environmental performance through education and community awareness programs, product development and design, recycling and disposal, and warehouse and distribution efficiencies.
Outcomes have minimised Confoil’s environmental footprint and have been recognised by industry, with our Australian Packaging Covenant Action Plan earning a silver award from the Packaging Council of Australia.
Confoil is a member of the Packaging Council of Australia and a proud signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant.